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Knowing your assignment

One thing about me is I love all people, I love Gods people. We are commissioned to love one another. John 13:34 says, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."  We have to work, live, and move about our daily lives around people. Its easier to do this when we love each other.

God sometimes gives us people as assignments. That assignment can be as "small" as a hug or as "large" as taking someone in, in a hard time. We have to know when we are dealing with people, what Holy Spirit has as our assignment with them. We experience burnout because we don't know the bounds of our assignment with others. Or, even in ministry. One thing I won’t allow in the days to come, is to allow people or an uncertain assignment to wear me out.

Let me explain...

In life, it’s important to know when you’ve disengaged from Holy Spirits power. When you’ve moved into your own power to meet a demand God never called you to. When you walk out the borders of your assignment, you walk out of the grace God has given you to advance. Thus, the physical body experiences stress, and anxiety because your moving in your own power.

Know your assignment! It’s borders, it’s heights, and it’s depths. Because, when you walk out of it, you walk into trouble. The door is open for the assignment. But, there are adversaries who want to pull you out of the realm of your assignment as God has given it. (1 Cor 16:9)

Pray this;

God, I thank you for trusting me with your people. Trusting me to love them, and respect them. Lord, I ask that you would give me the power to love in spite of. I pray that you would give me the understanding of my assignment to the people in my life. God give me the wisdom and the understanding to operate in the bounds of my assignment with people and in ministry. Lord, I pray that you would show me the way I am to go. For your word says that the Holy Spirit would lead us and guide us into all truth. So God, I thank you for the Holy Ghost leading and guiding me in the truth of my assignment. That your will Lord would be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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